Meg Rutherford


This category covers a number of items. Plywood Meg Rutherford made a number of cats painted on plywood with a stand at the back to enable them to stand upright; in one case in the shape of a mouse. Most of the cats, about life size, she gave to friends. One happened to be with us that caused a visiting dog to bark at it for a while until it was realised as not real. Using plywood, Meg fretted some items. There were two major projects. One was to create a room arch in the form of plants for her house; another to create a one foot cube, again in the form of plants on four sides with a cork top surface.

Meg also enjoyed the challenge of fretting in the form of plants, mainly daffodils, that required skill to produce thin stems without them breaking.

Stained Glass.

Meg took up stained glass work quite seriously.She trained with Steve Sheriff in order to learn about the various processes leading to a finished item. Meg made many items, such as a colourful fish, also a view of the Swanage gap with setting sun, a natural happening at mid summer.Meg also experimented with double layer circular items, some with loose roundels therein, set in small wooden picture frames.

Window grills.

Very much a one off, Meg designed three window grill for her home. These had sweeping plant forms. The forge that made them declared how enjoyable it was to be constructing something unusual. They were painted white before being put into place.